Contact info
AIA – BATir, Ecole polytechnique de Bruxelles, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Civil Engineer, professor of architectural, engineering and construction project management
Expert in legal or amiable dispute resolutions
Avenue F.D Roosevelt 50, CP 194/02, B-1050 Brussels (post address)
Avenue A. Buyl 87, C5, B-1050 Brussels (offices)
Research interest
history of construction companies and stakeholders; evolution of project and risk management systems; history of geotechnical and civil engineering techniques and projects.
Current and past research projects in the field of Construction History
Representative publications in the field of Construction History
Y. Rammer Y., ‘1960-1980 : L’âge d’or des Travaux Publics’, in: 80 ans ADEB/80 jaar VBA (working title), Brussels: AAM/ADEB-VBA, to be published 2015, 2 p. Bilingual publication FR/DU.
B. Espion, M. Provost and Y. Rammer, ‘L'histoire des constructions en béton et sa contribution à la réhabilitation de structures du patrimoine d'ingénierie’, Compte rendu des Journées Scientifiques, EPFL Lausanne,2015.
Y. Rammer and B. Espion, ‘A case study of replacement of external post-tensioning cables’, Bridge Engineering (Proceedings of the ICE), vol. 168/3, 2014, pp. 183-192.
Hellebois, Y. Rammer and J.-C. Verbrugge, ‘Concrete Piling: Major Developments in the Historical Practice of Pile Foundations’, in: R. Carvais et al (eds.), Nuts & bolts of construction history: Culture, Technology and Society. Proceedings of the fourth International Congress on Construction History, Nuts & bolts of construction history: Culture, Technology and Society, Paris: Picard, vol. 3, 2012, pp. 581-591.
Full bibliography