Contact info
ReUse, Department of architectural engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Architectural historian and professor in architectural history and conservation
Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels
Research interest
19th and 20th century; construction, architectural and urban history; public building; industrial heritage; actors in construction
Research projects in the field of Construction History Post-War Building Materials in Housing in Brussels (1945-1975). Dissemination of knowledge
Innoviris, 2015. Construction History, VUB - Strategic Research Programs-Groeiers, 03/2014-02/2019. Preserving historical urban warehouses by understanding their architecture and technology, FWO project, 2014-2017. RETROCO. Understanding and conserving the post-war housing stock in Brussels (1945-1975).
Retrofit for Continuity, Innoviris, 2013-2014. Creating a typology of warehouses for Brussels and beyond, Innoviris, 05-09/2012.